White Room

It's been a strange, disconcerting day. I've spent most of it decorating and waiting for the phone to ring.

First thing this morning the Residential Home phoned to say that Tess's Dad had had a fall in the early hours of the morning and was rather more confused than normal. The doctor came and discovered his blood sugar level was abnormal, so it looks like he'll be on a diabetic diet from now on.

Soon after, Kate phoned to say that they had got to take Sophie to hospital as the bronchitis she's been struggling with the last few days was causing breathing difficulties and the local doctor wanted the hospital to have a look at her.

Fortunately, after a day of tests, they've decided that her oxygen levels were OK and she could go home. They're hopeful that a few more days should see her pick up.

It makes you realise how lucky we are to have the NHS at our disposal.

As for the decorating, only the ceiling is going to stay white. Tomorrow it's the walls turn for treatment.

Cream, rather than brilliant white?:

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