Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

And then there were four

The rain actually stopped this afternoon just in time for dog walking.  I like how none of them are looking at the camera.  I have no idea what they were looking at.  Three of them sat very well and madam Misty was very fidgety and kept moving away.  She had lots of fun chasing the male boxer after they had their treat.  I was very surprised to see some pink catkins in their garden whilst we were walking,  see extras.

Well I didn't get the phone back!!  Phoned the shop for an update and they said it wasn't back and didn't seem that interested.  I asked if they could look into it but they just said it usually takes 14 days and to phone back tomorrow.  I was originally told it would be back in 10 days which was written on the repair note.  Also according to the online tracker nobody has bothered to update it as all it says is its been received in the shop for repair ten days ago, sigh!

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