Acholi meets Britain!

A day of worlds colliding a lot today...

Spent the morning in our language lesson. Don't think I'll ever get use to it, there's soooooo many sounds that they don't have in the English language, lots of nasally ones that although are very funny to attempt we Definately have NOT mastered, leaving Eric (our teacher, translator and all round 5th member of the team!) much to laugh at us about!

Then popped to the local bakery for beef somosas and then after a quick nap off out to have coffee with my pastoral person. Good to talk though the last few weeks especially since the bacterial infection that put me out most of last week meant we hadn't met in a few weeks! Her UTTERLY ADORABLE 16 months daughter Connie joined us, made even more special with her on my lap as we chatted and Lois calling me aunty Mim!

A meeting with the owner of the TAKS (through art keep smiling) centre at the top of our road in the afternoon after he met us in the street and asked us to present an hours programme of topics that affect the community. He's very keen that I write and perform a few songs, one he wants to be on domestic violence! Not entirely sure how that will go, but he was very adamant! Ha! This picture is taken in the center of my guitar with the acholi version (Adungu pronounced a-doong) I liked seeing the similarities and obvious differences, the goats skin being one!

Finally home for another meal. Feel like I'm finally mastering the art of having no oven and just a stove making fish, wedges and garlic peas, all from produce in the local market (extra picture)

M x

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