The Pells

I don't have room at home for a printing press, nor the money to buy one, but once a week I go to Lewes in the evening to a printmakers group where we have access to a large printing press. When I get home I lay out the prints to dry and I invariably get up early on Wednesday mornings to check how they've come out. Last night I printed the fourth and final colour on "The Pells" my contribution to a collection of prints featuring open spaces in the town. Its not too bad, a bit of hand burnishing to finish it off today and it should be ready for submission. The lack of a printing press is increasingly frustrating and a bit of a gamble. The shared press is used by other printers who may be printing collographs, drypoint etchings or woodblocks - all with blocks of different thickness - so you are never quite sure what pressure the press is set to. Anyway, I've been reading about lino printers who use old Victorian book presses and I've got my eye on one on ebay. Although they are comparatively small (about A4) it might be worth the investment.     

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