Daft rafts
Today was the first (as far as I'm aware) Burray & South Ronaldsay raft race.
Considering this was the first of what will hopefully become an annual event there was a great turn out, both of rafts (around a dozen) and of spectators. Typically the sun stayed away until after the race but I don't think it dampened any spirits at all.
Lots of shapes and sizes of rafts. The winner was a simple, fast and effective construction of what appeared to be plastic bottles mummified in baling plastic but the best themed was HMS Tar Wheel- with a crew of two giant hamsters and their almost unsteerable wheel. If you big up the pic you might just be able to make them out.
Lots of sinking and swimming and paddling and singing. Some finished, some didn't. All were cheered home. And the RNLI lifeboats just had to hang around looking heroic rather than do any serious rescuing.
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