
By TBay

Tea break.

What more could they want than a copy of the Farm Contractor & Large Scale Farmer magazine and a good strong cup of tea in a tractor mug!!

I have been rubbish at blipping for a few week now. I am rather swimming against the tide so rather than worry my self about my failing to get an entry I am going to try to post every couple of days I think. I do get to catch up on my followers every now and then, but I just seem to fail to find the time to sit down and actually do this every day. Apologies if I have not commented on my lovely blip pals. I still love seeing the world through your eyes and will get myself back in gear as soon as I can.

It's odd how blipping becomes a part of your life so soon. I often think about my blippers pals in the day and wonder what they are up to.

Farming - busy day with hauling Solar Panels plus two on compost hauling too.

YFC Officer Training evening for Mr Tbay and myself. A late evening but great fun and well worth it.

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