
By Naturelover

The Extremely Rare SOOC Lily

I never post a photo until I tweak it...but honestly this one perfectly showed the true color of my I left it completely alone!!

Many adventures so far with everyone! Last night my four campers really did camp out at Becky's house, so I am enjoying coffee before making French toast for everyone at her house in a little while.

Last night everyone was playing on the water trampoline, and Al dove in to bring it back to shore when they were done. But he had his glasses on!!
As soon as he surfaced he knew they were AWOL. All the kids looked for them, but the bottom of the lake was swirling with all the activity, so we gave them up for lost.

This morning, before 7 a.m. when all was still and quiet....I borrowed Brody's goggles and went for a's been a long time since I snorkeled, and I had forgotten how much fun it is...especially when you find lost treasures!!!

The glasses are back where they belong, and we are ready for our next set of adventures!!

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!!

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