This was taken after midnight last night when the Advent calendars were finally done. Every year I had to remember to fill the previous incarnation each night, for fear that if I filled them all at once, the mice would find them. Obviously, the filling occasionally didn't happen...
So, this year, enter the mouse-proof metal box version. Within, twenty four envelopes, on each envelope an 'on this day' fact and a 'born on this day' person. Inside a chocolate, a joke and (ha ha ha) a job to do. I eased them into it gently this morning with the job being a hug for me. Tomorrow I get meaner...
School admin this morning, then the excitement of another stoves delivery! Even despite drafting in a neighbour, the big stoves proved unliftable, and had to be pushed up a ramp. I'm glad I'm not the one who has to carry them up to the second floor...
It may be that we have overdone it. But the boxes are big enough that, if nothing else, we can each curl up inside one and keep warm that way.
Meeting at school this evening about a million things, and a drive home in the fog. A chat with Mam and Dad about the storm blowing off the coping stones, a cheese toastie, some present ordering, a Mike Leigh film and now back to the electric blanket.
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