
I got up feeling fine, but by the time we got to Bag's my back was really bad - to the point I had to take a while lying on the floor before taking the kids to school.
I managed to walk the 500yards or so to and from the school but had to stop 4 times because the pain was so bad.
When I got into the house I was very close to throwing up from the pain.
It is years since it has been that bad.
And yet, by early afternoon it had subsided to its usual levels.
I have no idea why it flared up like that - it wasn't cold and I hadn't twisted it.

PD wasn't too impressed with me making sure my new flash was working.
He probably wasn't too pleased at being dragged out of his bed at 1am when the CO2 detector went off in his house either.
SWMBO and I had to go up to his house and let the service engineer in to check things.
It was a dodgy sensor which has been replaced.

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