
Postie has got the weekend off, and I imagine he will spend a goodly proportion of it in the shed, with his outboards! We have two, I think, perhaps three, it is difficult to keep track! One is definitely repairable!

On his rounds he chats to other boaty folk and has thus acquired two other non-running ones, as you do. One is beyond even his help, and is seized solid, but he has high hopes of getting the other one running!

I spent the afternoon working in the craft shop, meeting amongst others, some lovely tourists from Cumbria, motorcyclists from Sheffield and a very nice mother and daughter from the west coast of Scotland. When I came home I noticed we had an old axel and a very useful pair of wheels. Just what we need for the boat trailer! The smell of hot metal being cut and welded is even stronger than the smell of the fish and chips we had for tea!

If the problem with the phone and internet was sorted, then life would be peachy! Still coming and going in a random kind of way. Makes blipping difficult, and emailing and keeping in touch generally with the world, as we have no mobile phone signal here either! Rumour has it an engineer will be coming out on Wednesday . . .

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