What did I see today...?

By DaveR

About Today

Well after yesterday's frantic madness at work I needed a relaxing day on Saturday, and I got one, it also turned out to be rather fun which was a bonus.

It didn't start out well because my hayfever had me awake at 5am sneezing my head off, a quick dose of medication and a drink of water later though I was back in bed and got another sleep in so I felt more human when I woke up, which was nice. Instead of getting up (aside from a tea run) I spent the rest of the morning lounging in bed, watching 'MacGyver' and catching up on Friday's Blips by everyone else (mission successful!)

Hunger overcoming laziness I went for a cycle ride out to Tescos, into some of the more blustery wind we've had this summer, and came back with enough sushi to feed two people. This was handy, as Stef wanted some too, so the housemates chowed down on fish and thought about tidying the house. I accomplished this partially by tidying up some unruly Avengers Lego in the afternoon, it was all in bits and pieces but is now a nice, shiny Quinjet model.

The model was acquired when tidying wasn't going so well and we went for a quick drive to the Beehive Centre where I knew I could pick it up, and also during which I managed to get today's Blip - I think it illustrates the wind conditions nicely but also what a lovely day it was yesterday. I also managed to take this straight out of the camera - no crops even - the little one is great for doing that!

In the evening we headed around to Simon's for a games evening with him and his brother Nick (on his monthly day-off from fathering duties!) - games of Zombie Dice, Ticket to Ride (as once featured by Skyrider) and Munchkin (Kill the Monsters! Steal the Treasure! Stab your Buddy!). I managed to place an honourable second in Zombie Dice, spectacular lastness in Ticket to Ride and a glorious, backstabbing awesomeness of first in Munchkin - and today I may have to go buy my own copy (if only to exercise the best rule: if the squabbling resolves nothing the game owner's word is final!)

All in all it was a pretty awesome day, and even more so because while cycling home (close to midnight) it decided to tip it down on us - which was actually one of the most brilliantly fun things to happen on a cycle ride in a while I have to say!

And so to close, I'll leave you with 'About Today' by The National, for which I'd advise ignoring the lyrics and simply listening to the tune, and you'll see why it's one of the greatest, sunny afternoon driving songs to listen to.

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