Friday . . .

The forecast wasn't great, but after a bit of a nothing morning, the sun came out and shone till the evening. Managed to get a bit more gardening done, but drew the line at cutting the grass. That can wait till another day.

Incredibly, after all the wind and rain, most of the flowers and plants in the garden are still standing, albeit with a bit of a tilt! This is the poppy "Patty's Plum", which is always a terrific blousey flowerer. I'm not sure of the name of the geranium behind it, there is a lot of it about in the village, probably been passed around or spread by birds and the wind.

The old creel on the wall has nasturtiums in it, but they aren't flowering yet. The back garden is a bit more sheltered from the north winds, and the flowers on the ones round there have just started coming out in the last day or so.

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