
Through to Glasgow to see round 4 of the Revolution Series, track cycling at Chris Hoy's place (no sign of Chris but we did see David Millar striding out the doors in typically Millaresque fashion just as we were going in). Brilliant afternoon all round - I'd just taken an old Nikon SLR camera with me loaded with some film that my boss at work had given me the day before. I'd put out a general "if anyone has any old camera film kicking around that they don't want I'll have it" request and she'd found a few rolls at the back of a cupboard for me, only expired by six years - what could possibly go wrong? I reckoned I'd take the film of 36, enjoy the cycling and get a few snaps on the phone in case it all went horribly wrong. So, as my companions for the day were clicking away and then looking at their little screens on the back of their cameras immediately after to see their results I was sat there not having a clue whether I'd even have anything to show for it at all (especially as the camera I was using wasn't my usual SLR of choice and it had played up on me in the past as well). Bit of a risky photographic strategy all round but I just thought what the heck and in the end it all turned out fine. Phew.

Popped down to the Tramway afterwards for the underwhelming-as-usual annual Turner Prize exhibition, then headed back into town to visit Monorail for record shopping and the 13th Note for burgers and beer over teatime. Train home to Edinburgh, couple of drinks at a local pub and then proper home home to crash out in front of Match Of The Day. Pooped after a cracking day.

[All the photos from the film]


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