Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Look at that haughty face ...

I've got loads to blurt out regarding rabbits .. Honest to goodness they are going to finish me off .. Rambo went into a decline this morning .. Now we have medicine .. It may have been stress at his rabbit partner dying ... He may have begun to go into stasis .. ANYWAY I did everything I was told .. Syringe fed him,syringed water into him... Kept him warm .. Sang to him.. Massaged his ears (the last two were my own choice ) .. Made sure he pooped and had a wee... By this evening he was bouncing about again .. I'm a bit worried he might not be ok in the morning though .. SO,we brought Foxy rabbit back inside to cheer him.. Now I've got two rabbits in the back room .... Sigh..

Jake and I took sadie to a fun dog show at my friends pet shop,Sadie won a rosette and an EXCELLENT prize a massive 10kg of expensive dog food !!!
Here she is posing unhygienically on my kitchen island thingy ...

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