Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Cardinal

He's probably one our most common (and showiest) year-round yard birds.  In the summer, the males are highly territorial and will zealously guard the yard against any other males; but in the winter, they share the feeders and territory with one another, in seeming harmony.  In the evening, they are one of the last birds to roost; in the morning, they are one of the first to visit the feeders.  This gorgeous male was going back and forth between the sunflower seeds and the water.  I took this through the living room window, so it's not as crisp as it could be - but they are skittish birds and it's often easier to stalk them from inside.

Hubs and I had a quiet day.  He's been working on a project in the basement while I was in the yard out taking photos and planting milkweed seeds for next summer.  I also got most of our Christmas cards addressed -  feeling virtuous.  Took a break in the afternoon and enjoyed a brisk walk on a wooded trail (me wearing a bright orange cap since it's hunting season and I'd hate to me mistaken for a deer!)  

I posted three other birds on Flickr, starting HERE with a robin, and including a winter wren, the first I've ever seen in our yard!

Heading into another week now ... and ever-closer to Christmas...

Have a red day, people.

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