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4am start, both back asleep by 5am, munch woke again at 6am and went and cuddled daddy who had escaped to her bed.
Munch and daddy then came back to our bed and mumchie fell asleep in our bed around 7am, which is where I left her until she woke again at 8:30
She's shattered.
Spent a quite morning watching Strictly and playing
Daddy was home from shooting very early which was lovely, Munchie and I took advantage of this and cooked a spag bol. Each mushroom delicately cut up by munchie.
Nanny and Grandad, Auntie Sam, Uncle Gareth, cousin Maisie, Great Auntie Joy and Grandma all came over this pm for Munchies birthday. Lovely presents, although I think Munchie prefers to play with the gifts she has opened rather than open the next one.
Wom and Munchie both had total meltdown at bathtime. Everything was wrong, it was horrible, utterly horrible.
Munchie snuggled up on my lap and whispered, sorry mummy, I am just so tired. I cried!
They are both in bed asleep, I have done school work ready for the coming week
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