Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A Game of Shadows

Painting the dining room. It's a big job when ... well, when you just put stuff off the whole time. I'm so good at procrastinating that I sometimes put off putting things off until tomorrow.

So we did do a lot. When it comes to painting I get the highs and TSM gets the lows (it's a height thing) and I always get to clean the brushes. 

As for the rest:

Got insulted three times before breakfast. The first was that I looked like Wurzel Gummidge, the second was that I had weird chest hair and the third  ... I can't remember the third. 

Finally managed to exorcise the demons in my printer and get the damn thing working again, so have been putting up more pictures.

26 more sleeps until the fat man drops in and I'm already in double figures in terms of mince pie consumption ...

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