Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Bb's here :-)

Back blip

Be arrived safely and slept in this morning. He must be exhausted after such a busy 12 days in Barcelona. I did some prep in the flat for the week ahead and now have all the teaching points done for the week - that's skeleton lesson notes to give to trainees with stages and aims for 10 lessons - everyone teaches twice a week. These notes get less as the course progresses and as they get more used to using the different frameworks for different lessons. They're the bugbear of every tutor as they take ages to do and we have to make sure that each trainee teaches a balance of skills and different types of language throughout the month, eg vocabulary, grammar, functions and then reading, writing listening and speaking. The joy of joys is using a course book you've used before and finding you have TP points which are workable! I found TP points this morning, so just had to do some juggling around ;-)

Later BB and I went to Zamalek and then to Kandahar Indian restaurant for an early dinner. Eyes closed well before midnight, after watching 2 episodes of The Apprentice.

My blip's taken just along from the flat when we popped out to get a few things at the supermarket. Just after I'd taken this shot a security guard (or maybe it was a policeman) approached us asking (politely) what I was taking the pic of. He seemed ok when I told him just the street, but I still got nervous when I saw him approach.

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