Seed Pods

Mostly I stayed in the apartment with S. We did walk a couple of blocks to the nearby Photo Warehouse so I could get a new SD card; I like always having a spare. 

We were visited by S' brothers. Her younger brother is over from Melbourne to visit their mother, and he came to Auckland to see me and S. He and their middle sibling (brother P) were to meet for lunch but a project he was managing was at a difficult point, and P couldn't get away. When he was able, he joined us. All very pleasant.

Dinner on the deck again, as the sun sank lower in the sky. Almost windless, and still warm from the sun. I liked the way that the sun was hitting the seed pods of the crucifix orchids growing in some profusion from pots on the deck.

This was my chosen shot for the day. S would prefer that I had posted my first shot of the day. When I first woke and came out to the main room, the sun had barely finished rising (judging by the light). In their disembodied strangeness these two structures caught by the low sun, have an almost alien presence

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