
Day started with the kids watching Milkshake so we could have a cup of tea in peace in bed. Though it wasn't that peaceful as we had Nell yipping at the bottom of the stairs calling her Daddy down to take her out for her walk. Mike walked the dogs whilst I spent an annoying half hour trying to pick up some e-mails and texts and having to pull the sim card out of my phone about 10 times as it kept freezing up. I've been having problems with it for a while now and I'm only 1 year into a 2 year contract so was hoping I could coax it along but I decided enough was enough and ordered a new one after breakfast. 

Mike took the kids off to buy some more fencing to reinforce the garden fence as despite the reinforcements of 2 weeks ago, Nell has a new escape route. I went down to the yard and had a very chilly ride out. Luckily I've got my new superdouper fur lined winter boots to ride out in now. Feet were toasty warm, just the rest of me wasn't. Lime was a superstar as always. 

Then after a bit of pootling at home we went into Leicester as Mike needed some new work clothes having not bought any for about 8 years and I need something for the 1920's themed party next week and we promised the kids we'd take them to see the Christmas lights. The kids were well behaved considering how bored they must have been going round the shops. Mike was done in about 30 mins - 5 shirts, 2 prs of trousers and a pair of boots. Me, not so lucky. Hard enough for someone who is used to going round in fleeces, jeans and wellies most of the time to find a dress I actually feel comfortable in, never mind having to find one that fits in with the 1920's theme. So I have spent a silly amount of money on a dress I am not entirely convinced I like. Also bought a yummy pair of boots for Saturday night out. 

Had dinner at F&B's then home to three dogs desperate for another walk. 

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