Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Lazy Buffy girl ..

9am and she was still in bed ...it's allowed she is 13 years old now ...

DDLC and I were ON FIRE today .. Not literally .. No,we were like something demented trying to get things done ...stupidly we forgot it was that strange concept 'Black Friday ' what the heck ?? Weird . Anyway apart from seeing signs in shop windows there was NOTHING noticeable about any other Friday shopping trip,there wasn't even any excess traffic...
Most importantly we had a McDonalds breakfast ..... ALSO we had not only conquered Banbury but Leamington Spa by 12.30 ..
After seeing DDLC off my property I quickly grabbed my extra shopping bags and went to buy a light up Reindeer ...it's really gaudy .. I'm very happy .

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