The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Running out of juice ..

I've had a lifetime of battling with my weight - losing 5 or 6 stone three times and keeping it off for quite a while - but eventually it always creeps back on.

Since coming to live with mum I got as fat as ever and am terribly unfit, but have no willpower. I get treats in for mum - she hardly eats any and then when she goes to bed I end up scoffing the lot while vegging in front of TV.

I 'Liked' a Facebook page a while ago, which published really tasty looking, healthy recipes (I never made them - but enjoyed looking!) After a while I did a bit of further research and discovered that the page was based on the film Fat, Sick and very Nearly Dead. I watched the film and was rather inspired, so for the last three days I've been mainly living on freshly juiced fruit (20%) and veggies (80%). It's fine .. but what isn't fine is washing the flipping juicer time and time again. I also rather hate the newly bought juicer and realise it's not quite up to the job ... grrrrr ..

Here's a previously unknown fox who's become a regular - it's the time of year when foxy families split up and disperse so there are a lot of comings and goings.

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