Scrum half in training
It was my turn to spend the day with Kilda while J went to London. She was up a few times in the night and insists you go over the barrier to tell her to go back to bed. Managed to get some work done as well so I should be able to only book a half days leave. Didn’t manage to get the Christmas cake made but we had fun out in the garden.
Tried to do a bit of anxiety separation but took it a bit too far, standing the other side of the barrier for 10 minute. Down side is she has now figured out how to climb over the barrier, twice. Little sod. Managed to sell the double bed as well for the price we were asking for. Taken a while. Only problem is that we have been using the mattress to sleep on in the kitchen with the dog. Futon mattress isn’t quite the same
Had a walk out to the vets to get her first injection. Enjoys being carried while getting the wind in her ears. Didn’t yelp when she had the injection mainly cause she was too busy eating the treats in my hand. RD and F came up for drinks tonight. Spanish Water Dogs are meant to be wary of strangers but not Kilda. They got a great reception. Nice to see them and have some more interaction for Kilda.
Big hit for today was the rugby ball. Think I might have to get her a small England strip.
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