
By Croft16

The camera never lies!

..A came over from E Sutherland camera club to give us a talk on photo-shop last night. And we all learned quite a bit. I've always used PS (elements) in "guided" mode, but have used "expert" occasionally.

After last night, I hope to just use the "expert" mode from now on..

A very hastily taken picture this afternoon before I took Tans down the beach. When we got back, I had a bit of a "play" with it.. Now it's not the best pic, and it's not the best editing, but it was good putting into practice what we learned last night. I suspect CC may do the same!..

The electric pole has been straightened up, the picture cropped to square, the strainer line "spot healed" out, and then layer masks added to copies of the sky, and the hills, and then levels adjusted for both copies. It's all been over done, but it's learning..

Eggs tonight, and although it's turned chilly, it's still dry..
Did a quick harvest of a couple trays of salad for the hotel this morning, which M picked up mid afternoon..

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