The best....

2years 253days known to toddlerdom? Almost definitely when your name is Katie and you're 2 years old. These amazing shoes arrived for her yesterday. She loves them. She was adamant she was wearing them today, and equally adamant to wear her party dress. Thankyou!!

Ballet this morning. They have started work on their teddy bear ballet, and have started the second half of their "show" piece, tap and singing to a mix of "Bear went over the the Mountain" and "Teddy Bear's Picnic". She is so excited. She loved that her teddy came with her to ballet too. She had 15 mins nap on the bus home, before swimming.

She did brilliantly at swimming today - she did loads of chucking herself under water and swimming along. She did a full width, no float aids at all, without putting her feet down. Her and her little friend were on a mission today to swim swim swim as much as possible, rather than do the exercises and games the stand-in teacher suggested!

After swimming, we went round for lunch and a play with some friends. Katie had a great time dressing up with Eleanor, they were brides, princesses, hula dancers, all those wonderful girly things. When we arrived home, her LIttleFriend was just getting home from a walk so the girls had a play together outside until the heavens looked set to drown us.

After tea, her little friends James and Emma popped in briefly, so a day full of friends, fun and playing. No wonder she was in bed by 6.15!

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