Dream Home
Dropped in on Isbi today.
We laid our lenses on the table and had a swap.
Between us we have the Oly M4/3 system pretty well covered.
I especially liked the 60mm macro, with which I took this.
This is not a great example of its capabilities, but it was the lens I had on.
So in our search for spiders and other macro subjects I ventured into Isbi's shed.
One of them , anyway.
This one had many old paint tins.
I'm not quite sure why we all keep these, but we do.
I suggested that the paint in this tin was probably not going to touch up anything, as it's possibly sixty years old.
This house looks very fifties/early sixties, and I'm reminded that some people collect paint brochures, which so perfectly capture the styles and taste of the period.
Why didn't I think of that?
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