
By monkus


what a curious day says he. stopped by the police and given a lecture on the security risks of taking photographs near fettes police station.

what are you taking photo's of?
because that's police headquarters, you might be a security risk.
what? why a security risk?
because you're taking photo's near a police station.
we need to see what you've taken
(cue slight giggle from his colleague)
because of the level of security threat.
you're joking?
can i see your photo's please.
seriously? have you heard of google earth? get much more detail in that then from a photo....

he looks through some photo's of clouds, mutters a variant of thank you...opens his notebook.

can i take your name please sir?
because we have stopped you to talk to you.
no, you can't.
you refuse to give your name?
aye, this is ridiculous.

exit polis to their car.

"they take away our freedom, in the name of liberty"

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