Sunset time walk to grocery store

in such pretty landscape. I wonder if the locals appreciate the beauty around them? Everything is so pretty and people seem happy.

Today we had a visit to local vet. The boys got their shots and we go for another round in 3 weeks. Lots more shots needed here than in Finland. Pretty expensive to have dogs. My vet bills in a month has been total of 830€ and the next one will be around 300€ if all goes well regarding Amadeus' dental work that he'll be getting the day of the shots. I don't really want to think about the cost... Who need designer bags to show they've got money. Get a dog and everyone must realize you can't be poor.
Dogs are better in every way anyway.

Anyway the vet was in Fuengirola City. We've been offered few flats from there but haven't visited them. And don't have to. It looks nice, but the area is not for me. Too busy. Too much cars. Hard to find a parking place. Too noisy. As a real Finn I seem to need space and relative quietness.

When we moved to this flat the hotel opposite to us was under pool construction. The pool area has now been finished for few days and the hotel has had guests for few nights. It looks pretty nice with evening lights on. I think I have to blip that before we move on.

It's an interesting journey we are on. We have no plans. No idea what the future will be like for us. Everyday I walk with open eyes and get ideas and wonder if they are viable. My dream is getting clearer, but I really don't know if I have guts to execute it. I'm not a risk taker. If the risks are too high I stop sleeping. If I don't sleep I can't function. I need a way not to risk too much. Luckily the journey is only just beginning...

In the extras there's a panorama of the sea 50 meters from our flat.

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