John Hunter

I came across this in the grounds of St. Georges Hospital and then googled him to find out more. A Scottish surgeon and this is just a tiny bit of information about him....

Hunter studied under William Cheselden at Chelsea Hospital and Percival Pott at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Hunter also studied with Marie Marguerite Bihéron, a famous anatomist and wax modeler teaching in London; some of the illustrations in his text were likely hers.[8] After qualifying he became Assistant Surgeon (house surgeon) at St George's Hospital (1756) and Surgeon (1768).

It is said that he died of a heart attack at the hospital, during an argument over the admission of students. I am assuming this gate is part of the old hospital.

Now to me! The ENT clinic was packed, a cattle market comes to mind. I was seen about 45minutes late (or is that on time in hospital world?). A junior doctor looked in both ears. Apparently, I have very narrow ear canals. Left is red and a bit inflamed, right is still completely closed but he couldn't see very much 'debris'. A consultant then came to have a look and suggested a 'wick' (soft, cotton gauze) is inserted into my right ear to help the drops reach into the infected area. It was a bit painful when they put the wick in but let's hope it's a step in the right direction. I have to return on Monday to have the wick removed/replaced and to see how it's all going. In the meantime, I have very little hearing in my right ear. . . Sorry, what was that you said? ;-D))

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