I suddenly saw it and  I am pretty sure that I had probably never seen it before in the same way. Thanks to youoregon1, who is hosting again the Abstract Thursday challenge,  I was alert of course, looking for an abstract image.
Today was a far more cheerful day, weatherwise anyway, since the grey and dark days had kept coming.
In the afternoon we walked to the Eisenbahnerheim. First we had bought a package of carrots, to surprise the horses, that we thought would have had returned from their summer residence.
But when we arrived and looked over the stone wall, the place was deserted. Piet Hein still called: Paule! A big silence the answer.
We started to make a round and then we saw in a large garden two black ponies, one of them Beauty. They both devoured the carrots. I only kept some for ourselves.
We returned, drank our tea and later we had a nice Skype conversation with Mischa.
Tired as I am now, I decide to come back tomorrow again for browsing, looking at your beautiful pictures (espcially the abstracts of today) and commenting again.

My haiku:

Thousand little eyes
Are sparkling every day
In my little pan

And the proverb:

Water bewitched.

(=excessively diluted liqouor; now chiefly, very weak tea.)

1678  Ray, 84.

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