Finlayflops Mimi and Bo

By Kate74

Wilbarger Brushing Protocol

Brushes arrived today from America, fingers crossed  it will help!

One parents view....
Some families report amazing results with the wilbarger brushing protocol helping promote better sleep also decreasing the discomfort of being touched (tactile defensiveness). Sometimes it is hard to believe that such a simple technique would help to organize the nervous system. However, after experiencing one session of the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol myself, I am pleased to report it had a very nice calming effect. I can only imagine what multiple sessions will do!

After doing this with our son, we found that it helped his sleep patterns immensely and made him more calm. Being a sensory seeker he is frequently running around and talking nonstop. This technique did a great job of decreasing this type of behavior.

The complete protocol usually takes 2-3 minutes to administer. The first step involves using a soft, plastic, sensory brush or Therapressure Brush which is run over the child's skin, using very firm pressure; it is like a deep pressure massage. Brushing starts at the arms and works down to the feet. The face, chest, and stomach area are never brushed because these are very sensitive areas

After the brushing therapy, therapists may also prescribe gentle joint compressions to the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees/ankles, and sternum for a count of ten. Self-administration of joint compression by the client can also be done by pushing against walls, doing jumping-jacks, push-ups, or jumping on a trampoline.

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