Sunday Lunch

I was playing at the unveiling of Private Herbert Moore's Commonwealth War Grave today. He died on 3 December 1919 of kidney failure which was attributable to his war service, but he hadn't been given a official war grave. Recent research brought this to light and the Men of Worth put together the case to get him one. Today it was dedicated in the presence of around 30 of his family members who had been traced following an appeal in the local paper.  It was in Oakworth Cemetery and whilst thankfully it was dry ( unlike on Wednesday 18th when I was here) it was COLD.

I had arranged to meet Mr H and his Mum and dad at The Grouse for Sunday lunch, and was I glad to get in there and warm through. after a very good Roast Beef dinner I paused in the car park to take a quick snap of the view... felt quite guilty that these two bovines were in the frame, after what I'd just enjoyed!

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