After another poor sleep due to tickly throat and coughing I was at the hospital soon after 8.30am to get a sizeable chunk of diseased skin removed from my left shoulder. Everything went well and the local wasn't nearly as painful as with the biopsy, so after a cup of tea I went across the road to work and caught up with a pile of referrals. I meant to take a pic of another of the stained glass windows but my brain wasn't functioning and I walked straight past!
Mr Rat picked me up and I was able to go to the craft group where we were covering boxes for Christmas gifts, here's the result of it.
The local only started to wear off at teatime but I was told it shouldn't be too bad though I can't lift anything vaguely heavy for 3 weeks and can't take strenuous exercise for one. Driving won't be possible for a few days.
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