The Wren

By TheWren

The seeds of time

It is a busy day today so I was up reasonably promptly this morning and Bruce and I had a great walk, taking advantage of the light breeze which kept any midges away. There were several blip opportunities - I think because there was a glimmer of light from the weak sun at last - but I felt this one epitomised the morning for me.

The stones are from an old dry stane dyke which has long been abandoned and only runs for about 100 yards leading from nowhere in particular to nowhere at all! I always stop and admire the stones, however, as they have such a variety of colours in different lights and times of the year. I have even had a go at painting them in watercolour. Over time they have become home to many mosses and lichens and this blip shows some of the grasses which reign supreme at the moment and, today at least, were waving elegantly in the wind. Only yesterday their heads were bowed, heavily laden with raindrops. I specifically shot a low angle so that the surrounding hills could be also seen in the background. Bruce as usual was bemused at my kneeling in the long wet grass but I managed the shot before he came and made his presence felt with a very wet nose and waggy tail.

Our little art exhibition ended today so I have been to collect my paintings and all the cards from everybody, as it is my job to reconcile them with the takings and then reimburse the various artists. It is a task I enjoy as it always interests me to see which cards sell best.

This afternoon I am going into town to do a bit of grocery shopping and to collect one of my sisters-in-law who has been brought this far south from Turriff by another sister-in-law who is here for a big family party. V is fond of walking and painting too so I am really looking forward to her visit although I may not have much chance to comment on your journals for a few days, so I hope you will forgive me!

If you enjoy watching Songs of Praise then please see the one on Sunday. It is from Dunblane cathedral, near here, and has been produced by my stepson.

Have a great week-end.

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