…..where did that sunrise go?  

It’s not often I’m up just after 7 o’clock in the morning, but I put my alarm on, as I’m going to Marlborough today to meet up with a friend I used to work with.  We met when I first started at Withy King and it was my first time doing Conveyancing, so I was very nervous.   Sarah, who was a Solicitor, and who had just returned after maternity leave, was a great help and taught me so much.  In fact, when I decided to work part-time, having reached the grand old age of 60, I worked on two of the days Sarah was off, so she obviously had confidence that I was able to carry on without her!  

Although I retired almost 7 years ago, we have met up occasionally and caught up with our family news, which is great, so today’s the day for our long overdue meeting, and I'm going on the bus, which I love to do.

Of course, we're meeting in a coffee shop - called The Food Gallery - which I can thoroughly recommend if you are visiting at any time.  The coffee is amazing (and you can get a second cup for just £1), the sandwiches are unbelievable and the cakes are wonderful too.  

So - back to that sunrise - I took this photograph with my iPhone not long after 7 o’clock then rushed in to shower, came back ready to take some more, hoping that it would be even more spectacular - but the sky was completely grey with no sign of the sun.

It reminded me of the Latin expression “carpe diem” meaning “seize the day” and apparently originated from a poem in the Odes - Book 1, number 11 - in 23 BC by the lyric poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 BC – 8 BC), more widely known as Horace -  and means to live life to the fullest, getting the most out of each individual day.  

I’m not sure that I will get any more out of the sunrise, but I know that I will have a good time when I meet up with Sarah and who knows, we may even have a cake with our coffee(s)!

We can only appreciate 
     the miracle of a sunrise
          if we have waited
               in the darkness.

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