Little Cuties

SOC, but taken through my dining room window. Rainy dreary day, perfect for more tidying around the house. Now that it is decided that the family is all coming to my house, I am grateful I have been decluttering and cleaning for awhile. I escalated the process starting yesterday; I am amazed at how much stuff I threw away or have in my "give away" box. Why have I accumulated so much "stuff"....okay stuff...but not lovely stuff I want to keep. So time to keep only what I love and have a "tidy" home. I can't say I have ever felt like my home was really TIDY....Okay, for sure....welcoming, yes....but probably not described as simple and tidy. I have 4 more months to finish the process.....and I think it may take that long if I include the attic and all storage areas!!! Yes, my desire is to completely absolutely definitely have tidy spaces EVERYWHERE in my home. Hmmmm....a bit overwhelming, but exciting and rewarding so far. I have to keep my thoughts positive and focused on the goal.....that is good!

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that. I think I am mostly attempting to convince myself that I can do it!!

Thanks for visiting for the wonderful comments, stars and hearts lately!!! Much appreciated.

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