A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sentimental stuff and nonsense

Jackson made me cry today. We were talking about treats he might like for undertaking the HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment). First he identified a PS4 game that would be a distraction between sessions. Then he asked if it would be possible for the four of us to go out to dinner when he felt better. He is being so positive and optimistic about it all. Let's hope it all goes well tomorrow.

Carl and I started the day making a rota of who would take him when and then I distracted myself with a gentle stretch class before trying to focus on some work. I think I got there in the end and we had a fabulous webinar with an HBS professor. Of particular personal and pertinent interest was a graph showing the effort / reward lag when you are involved in change or starting something new. Not only for J and the treatment starting; it also very much represented where I am with the barrecore classes too. A question of keep the faith.

Also of note was the discovery that cadburys no longer make dairy milk miniatures leaving me with only a few days to sort the quandary of what will fit in the advent calendar drawers. I have been informed that sprouts are not a satisfactory substitute.

And now a purely sociable book club as I failed to buy or read the current book mainly on the grounds of it being a hardback - I am both too feeble and too stingy to deal with them.

Lesley x

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