If only............

I'd love to pretend that I planned my blipfodder and that the outcome is based on precision timing having checked tide, weather and wind conditions. However, because I love you all - even that dodgy looking bloke at the back who worries me greatly - I cannot lie.

I was actually aiming for somewhere else but as I headed towards the coast I saw how lovely the light was I changed plans and decided to get some shots of Rye, from a distance, with the low sun on the buildings. However I also felt the need to see the sea so I went past Rye to Rye Harbour. This is a nature reserve and although I've been there before I've not really done any exploring. Today I walked down to the first hide and settled down to the eye-popping sight that I've tried to photograph. The sun was behind some thin clouds and that was throwing the most delightful pink and orange tints across the landscape. In front of the hide, looking down towards the sea, is an area of shingle and salt marsh. Lots of birds on it but the light was the main attraction. And the reflections from the saline pools. All I've done with these shots is straighten and crop (and on one I cloned out a mark on the lens) - the sky really was this tremendous.

From the hide I walked down to the sea but didn't hang about as it was bitterly cold. I'll certainly be heading down here again and spending longer wandering around - there is even a Tudor castle to see - so expect more blips from this neck of the woods.

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