Normally on a Sunday the other three go for a walk while I prepare lunch. Not that I don't like walks, it's more that the two activities tend to coincide. Today, unusually, we were all up and active in time for a walk before lunch prep, so that's what we did.
I'm not sure it will be repeated.
Turns out my parenting style is not compatible with walking. Actually the rest of the afternoon demonstrated that it is not compatible with very much at all.
Ah well. Despite being subjected to my parenting for how ever many years, the kids seemed to have turned out ok. So maybe I shouldn't be troubled.
Happily, my skills at roast lamb dinner making are still unsurpassed in the family, so I have my uses. Even despite the lack of mint sauce (I know, scandalous).
As you can see the sloes harvest here is bumper. It has been so for most of the years we've been here. I think I have 3 kilos in the freezer already, so this lot were left for the birds. A few days ago I said in a comment that any blipper under blue skies should be obliged to blip the sky to make the rest of us remember what it's like. Here's mine. Mind you, it was freezing cold. I almost wished I had a coat on (briefly).
Sadly the schedule of walking and lunch making/eating precluded any of the seed planting I had hoped to get done today. Tomorrow maybe. Very minus temperatures due tonight. Brrrr. Sturdy seeds only need apply.
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