Happy Christmas!

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Last night we had our annual Christmas get together with friends before everybody gets too busy with other festivities. It was the only Saturday night that everybody could do so, despite it being  November 21st, we put up our little fibre optic tree, strung up some fairy lights and made merry.

As usual, everyone supplied a course with us, as hosts, cooking the main. To keep everyone happy we did two (Nigella's pheasant with gin and It and Spanish Chicken), and everyone else contributed by providing starter, pudding and cheese .Lots and lots of wine, beer, champagne and gin were consumed, Secret Santa presents exchanged and a hilarious game of Pie Face and fantabulously chaotic dancing ended a marvellous evening.
I was having such a good time I nearly forgot to take any photos but here is a horribly noisy pic of Sarah looking quite excited about her present.

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