
By Jeanettie6

Steampunk Blipmeet

I had an absolutely wonderful day up in Yorkshire yesterday with Lovelupins, Kit267 and Sushi 267!  I was up before dawn ready to catch the 7.03 a.m. train from Kings Cross up to Leeds, then on to Howarth where we had a fantastic time in the crisp winter sunshine at the Steampunk weekend.

What a beautiful place!  I'd never been there been there before and was extra special, filled with people dressed up in amazing outfits, dancing, tea dunking duelling, lots of stalls, interesting shops, a steam train back ...and not forgetting delicious cake of course!  

It was lovely to see Lovelupins again and to meet Kit267 and Sushi267 too.  I arrived back in London after midnight...but well worth all that travelling for such a splendid day!

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