The rest of forever...

By DrMac

All blipped out...

This is the first day in 431 that I hit a blip wall.


Doing the day backwards...Lottie had a hose down and shampoo in the garden about ten minutes ago 'cos she rolled in shit. Grimster. We had been for a walk. We had all eaten tea, me tucking into scallops. Oh yum! I had washed the car. I shopped in Waitrose for the weekend...god it's expensive when you are coming home! School...the day ended on a high, getting news that has saved me about five hours of work this weekend. The rest of the day was work, work, work at breakneck speed. And the start of the day...well, after a late night last night due to cramming in work I woke shattered. But that new pillow is awesome, no neck pain since I've started using it!!

So...this pic was the last of the day, scrambling through hedgerows on our walk to see if I could find a blinking flower! You won't see this anyway because you are on a plane...actually, plane two from Doha to Heathrow. I have been exceedingly patient today but now I just want tomorrow at 11.20am to come in an instant.

I meant to tell you a few things before you came home. I suppose I could do it now, then technically I did tell you...even though you won't see these words!!

Things that have changed since you left last July...the garden is a bit of an overgrown mess. Understatement. I listen to Radio 4. Constantly. I even like Farming Daily at 5.45am and the Archers just after 7. Yes, I am only 37. Everything in the fridge has a place. Really. I guess as no-one but me takes stuff in and out of it, those places have become a bit of a habit. Don't worry, I'll draw you a map. I lay the breakfast dishes out before I go to bed.

But don't worry. I still hate cleaning. And I still drink hot squash before I go to bed and have to go to the loo in the middle of the night. Bet you miss that. And for god sake, when I do that tomorrow night don't speak to'll scare the crap out of me! Remember, I'm not used to voices...just woofs.

One sleep...tomorrow couldn't come

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