Swans and Friends

We had enough rain on Monday to flush a little fresh water through the backwaters of Spring Lake with the result that in the las few days we had seen otters, swans mergansers, buffleheads, coots, cormorants and an egret all gathering in this inlet. One swan is missing…we're hoping it just decided to sleep in today. Hawks survey the scene from high perches in the trees and vultures sit on the power lines by the road warming their wings in the sun.

The twitchers are out in numbers with binoculars and huge lenses. They tell us they are looking for Crossbills but are mostly seeing Pine Siskins. We asked a fellow with an iPhone what he had seen and he said it flew away to fast for him to tell…I can relate….

OilMan has been outside waging rodent wars, while I have been finishing up my quilt project and digging around in the closet for a pattern for a cold weather wooly hat. The prospects of rain are dwindling, but the forecast is still for below freezing temperatures just in time for Thanksgiving….

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