I greeted the sun this morning with enthusiasm. I do not count the days that she had neglected us shamelessly. Sssssssttt, don't tell anybody that I blame her for that.
In the afternoon we drove to the Diemelhöhe, not far from our home and climbed the hill. We walked along the fields and with a wide curve came near the ruine. Piet Hein and I took several pictures, so here is my blip.
There were enough benches to have a rest and a view. However, the sun starts so early to withdraw and then it is really cold.
After our walk we went to the supermarket. Now we have had our meal.
I feel tired, is that the sunlight doing that? Possibly.
So tonight I'll have a rest and will browse, admire and comment tomorrow again. Have a wonderful Sunday!

My haiku:

Monks lived centuries
Ago, before it was a
Ruine, between the stones

And the proverb:

Rue and thyme grow both in one garden.

1721  Kelly,  283.

A persuation to repent  and give over an attempt before it is too late, alluding to the sound of the two herbs here nam'd.

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