A tale of two rabbits

Saturday morning.
I was listening to this great track  on Sounds of the Sixties.
Dylan was sitting comfortably in the straw inside his "house" as you can see.
But where was Bandit!
Earlier, I had let her down to the bottom part of the garden, but in less than five minutes, she had disappeared!!
We checked the garden and the neighbours' garden but no sign of her!
After an hour's search, I was beginning to panic!
I decided to take down the panels at the bottom of the garden and she suddenly appeared.
I quickly cancelled the police and helicopter search!!
It must have been really windy last night.
One of the panels in our back garden had been blown loose and when we went to visit F and M in Peterhead, D was sawing up the tree that had blown down in their back garden as you can see in the extra. No damage done fortunately. Apart to the tree that is!!,
Hope the rest of the day is peaceful for everyone.

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