living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

The Calm after the Storm

Today was a mostly stay at home kind of day. This evening I tried to be a bit supermom-ish but it didn't really work out. I was making pizza and decided to let Cleo help make her own mini pizza. Now this is something I always said I would do before having children but don't seem to get around to very often, sadly. She loved it! She helped roll the dough, cut up mushrooms, spread the topping... On the other hand I didn't fare so well. I was so distracted by trying to help her "help" and trying to get it all done in the time span that Ash was happy watching (which is always a very short timespan) that I ended up grating my knuckles and burning my fingers (not at the same time). Ouch! This is why I am not supermom. I can't take the heat! I really will have to let her help more often, though. She really thrived on the extra attention and getting to do exciting adult stuff. Plus, I need to get her trained up as a brilliant chef so we adults won't have to cook at all any more!

The pizza was a hit, though, for one little boy who actually ate food for the first time! I wasn't going to give him any and just put some cucumber sticks on his tray to play with but when Cleo was finished there was a soft bit left so I put it down in front of him. He didn't even pause, he put it straight in his mouth, started sucking bits off and *gulp* swallowing them! Go Ash!

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