Rob and the world

By MtEmie

Reading Stephen Fry

Started reading 'The Fry Chronicles' never been much of a fan of Mr Fry but just from the intro I've learned to appreciate what a wonderfully gifted albeit challenging mind he has...

some of my favourite descriptions of the book so far...

...imagine that they too had compensated for such feelings of nervous inadequacy by choosing to 'see through' everyone else, by choosing to believe that those around them were pitiful poseurs. And imagine finally that without their noticing it they somehow became absorbed and naturalized into the place to such an extent that now, to an outsider, they are the ones who look like arrogant tossers. Inside you can take my word for it, they are still shrinking and shrivelling like salted snails. I know, because I was one, just as you would have been too.

Fry descibing his experience of starting Cambridge University and the stereotypes we have of the 'upper classes.'

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