Half Moon

Blinky blimey I sure am ready for my holiday.
I've not stopped today..
Up at 6am.  3 loads of laundry.
Supermarket at 8am.
 9.30am to 3pm  at my Dad's seeing to him and Step M.  Boy do they need help in the house!   I cleaned, shopped for them and  gently bossed StepM about.  She is skeletal, weak, not eating properly, not drinking enough fluids.... and so on.   Really it is all too much for My Dad to cope with.    A carer calls in the mornings to get StepM up, washed and dressed, which is a great help.        
As well as my sister I  have two step bros and one step sis.    Step siblings all live very close to the oldsters, I am a 30 min drive and my sister about an 1hr's drive.   Even with each  of us popping in and out in relays and doing what we can when we can we are all very concerned about the old folk.
I know I am going to be worrying about them while Pete and I are away this coming week but I am very much looking forward to the break.   We are staying in the UK and it looks like we will need to pack our thermals if the weather forecast is to be believed.

I didn't have much time for photography today so quickly snapped this shot of the moon from the bedroom window just now.  

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