While waiting for a train at Victoria
Another in the series of "hanging around London Termini waiting for a train and looking out for a blip" shot.
Monthly trip up to London for a Project Board meeting at the Ministry of Justice. Interesting system for getting into the building, very much like "beam me up Scottie" as you enter a cylinder, the doors close behind you and shortly afterwards the doors in front open. Vey much like a prison.
A pleasant enough way of spending a couple of hours. Interesting that the meetings are more consenual now than they used to be. Someone said to me that there was a danger that we were all agreeing with each other. Quite worrying that!
Back home, cycling from the station in the wet, to spend a few more hours in front of the computer screen, removing many irritating "just jobs" from an ever growing list. That list remains like the Hydra, as you cross them off, two or three more appear in its place.
Quick walk then a trip out to Gravesend for a referees grading committtee meeting to see who's worthy of promotion and who isn't.
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