Man at work!!

What a day!! Up at 7am to be ready for the delivery of the bathroom fittings and the skip, one behind the other!! Whilst they were unloading the “loft man” arrived to finish off his job started yesterday. Before he had finished the plumber and side kick arrived.

I cleared off to get some shopping in the village for P, as requested by R last night.

The next one to arrive was the electrician, he did his bit and the plumbers finished stripping out our en-suite, they all cleared off.  Next the plasterers arrived and did a super job on the ceiling. The extra photo is the room at the end of the day!!

I’m really impressed with the slick timing of this team, not sure how they do it, but I will find out as they are due to be here for about 3 weeks!!

We moved all the boxes and spare stuff into the loft before B went to coach athletics!! The place is looking tidier already  :0)

Oh, we also made 4 jelly fish from plastic bottles, as one does when requested!! Don't ask, I will explain when I know more :0)


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